When I am left alone to read, there is not a problem in the world which can touch me. If I could bag the occasional beaver and have food to survive and a modest roof overhead, and all the books I could desire, I would live happily quite happily and happily indeed. If there are no books in heaven, I DON’T WANT TO GO THERE. — Rich Sheppard
Note: Paperbacknovel.com reviewer Rich Sheppard reads about 7-8 and as many as 10 books a month, and finds that he can’t keep up with reviews for each book. He recalls when he was in grade school, he usually read the assigned books but could never complete the book reports, which were among his least desirable activities.
His book reviews now stem not from a sudden love of “book reports,” but from a desire to share his impressions, and also to keep track of the books he reads, which run together in his head. He gets confused with manifold facts from book sources he can’t pinpoint in his mind. Reading, he submits, makes him “knowledgeable,” as opposed to “smart,” or “intelligent.”
He would like to gratefully acknowledge the Jersey City Public Library, an outstanding institution which provides all of the books he reads – often just as they are published. It has always been among the best-run services offered in his home city, Jersey City.