Larry Hagman and NEXRAD
I was working at Unisys in the early nineties when the cold war ended and the “Ill Wind” scandal hit at the same time, causing Unisys to shed jobs at its Great Neck, Long Island […]
I was working at Unisys in the early nineties when the cold war ended and the “Ill Wind” scandal hit at the same time, causing Unisys to shed jobs at its Great Neck, Long Island […]
Never declare victory until the war is won; the final battle, over. I’ve been fighting a personal battle with the poison ivy in my backyard for the last 5 years, almost as long as the […]
And You Could Be Next, Even Taking Recommended Dosages I took the recommended daily dosage of Tylenol for 4 and a half weeks in January of 2008, because of a sinus infection, and wrecked my […]
The Graffiti Building East SoHo, New York City 2006-07 From Dictionary.com: graf·fi·ti [gruh–fee-tee] 1. pl. of graffito 2. (used with a plural verb) markings, as initials, slogans, or drawings, written, spray-painted, or sketched on a sidewalk, […]
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