by Dick Acorn
When people aren’t watching you, they cannot see your misdeeds and thereby encourage them. The amount of guilt you feel when you are provoked into wrongdoing by lack of oversight is entirely up to you, but it might be minimal. The person who is supposed to be watching you might deserve most, if not all of the blame.
Likewise, when that person fucks up, his overseer is responsible. The blame-game ends somewhere – maybe among the clouds – but don’t let it start with the finger pointing at you.
Always keep your blaming finger point-poised and well-exercised. Personal responsibility and self-deprecation are for sissies, people who took wedgies in school and get bum-rushed by broads. Be ready to convert your point-finger into a righteous fist as needed to defend your innocence – especially when you are guilty of ‘lack of oversight’.
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