
Allison Young

I first heard Allison Young do a Patsy Cline cover on the very excellent Josh Turner Guitar youtube channel. Her cover now has over 1 million youtube views. She has done other songs with Josh, […]


Meeting John Lennon

By Jonathan Wolpert I was dreaming of the past………. 17 November 1974, I met John Lennon. It remains one of the greatest thrills of my life. I was 16. The Beatles were my first musical […]


Why Janet Jackson Sucks

This article originated on the old site, and continues to draw traffic on internet lookups — especially after Janet Jackson was just inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This means I […]


Music Mags & Sources

On Line music magazines and sources to bookmark: Record Producers, Promoters, & Distributors: Captain Bee Fart On-Line Magazines: It’s Psychedelic Baby magazine Music Madness Magazine The Green Room Magazine The Honeypot